Year-Round OHV Land Acquisition Grant
Year-Round OHV Land Acquisition Grant
Year-Round OHV Land Acquisition Grant
What is this grant?
The Year-Round OHV Land Acquisition Grant is a matching grant intended to provide access and continued use for off-highway vehicle (OHV) users on new and existing trails. Beginning February 15, 2023, the Division of Outdoor Recreation (DOR) will begin offering a year-round OHV Land Acquisition Grant. Allowable applicants can apply at-need for funding to purchase land, ROWs, and easements. A portion of funding can be used for title work, legal descriptions, and surveying of the land intended for purchase.
Funding & Project Timeline
Projects can range from $10,000-$1,000,000 per application.
All projects must be completed within 28 months of the project start date.
Who can apply?
Federal agencies, tribal governments, state agencies, political subdivisions of the state, and Utah OHV nonprofit organizations that partner with an allowable entity.
Individuals and for-profit entities cannot apply for this grant.
Additional Requirements
- Land must be open and allow OHV access for at least 100 years.
- Real property acquired cannot change its purpose within 100 years.
- Real property acquired cannot be resold, but it can be donated or transferred to a different entity as long as the purpose remains the same and the DOR is notified.
- No fees can be charged to OHV users for access without informing the DOR.
- No qualified entity may serve as a fiscal agent for a non-qualified entity.
- When submitting an application involving multiple partners, the entity receiving the real estate must be the primary contact on the application. If the entity receiving the real estate is not the largest financial contributor, please put the largest financial contributor as the substitute contact.
Eligible OHV Land Acquisition Projects
- Purchase of land for the building of trails, connectivity, and ongoing access.
- Purchase of ROWs, leases, and easements on private, public, tribal, and federal lands.
- Costs that include preparation of legal documents, as well as fees paid for; title work, legal descriptions, and surveying of the land intended for purchase.
OHV land acquisition under this category does not include:
- The cost of building, improvements, equipment, furnishings, or machinery if it is the principal purpose of the activity since such items are not real property. They may, however, qualify under another category. Please visit our website for additional grant opportunities.
- Acquisition of property that is then expected to be donated or sold at less than the purchase price.
- Acquisition of real property to individuals and private for-profit entities to acquire property to be rehabilitated or sold.
Ineligible Project Items
- Administrative costs (i.e. salaries, retainers, travel, food and beverage, lodging, gifts/awards, or entertainment for personnel and/or volunteers of organizations)
- Projects already in progress
- Interest, reduction of deficits or loans
- Purchase of real property for non-motorized use
Matching Funds
This grant requires at least a 15% match. Matching funds can be composed of primarily cash or solely cash. Applicants are allowed to put in no more than 5% of in-kind matching funds.
Eligible Cash Matches
- Cash from the applying organization
- Donations outside of the applying organization
- Grants for the purchase of land
- Financial services
- Transfer taxes and other costs involved in the transfer of ownership of property
- Environmental assessments
- Other required documents for the submission of this application
Ineligible Cash Matches
- Work to be done after the land is acquired
- Costs accrued before awarded funding
Eligible In-Kind
- Employee or administrative costs (minus fringe benefits) specific to this grant
Ineligible In-Kind
- Fringe benefits
- More than 5% of in-kind constituting a match
Required Documentation
Should an award be made where OHVR funds will be applied to the cost of an interest in real property copies of the following documents are required prior to the real estate transaction. While it is understood that these documents may not be available at the time of an applicant’s complete proposal submission, applicants are encouraged to include any documentation that is currently available. Documents can be attached on the Uploads page of the online application as “Other Documents.” If any must be submitted in hard copy please coordinate directly with OHVR staff.
- Recent appraisal by a licensed appraiser
- Recent survey (as applicable) map and clear legal description of the property
- Title insurance report
- Draft of the proposed easement to be recorded (if applicable)
- Drafts of ancillary closing documents prepared to address problematic issues (if any)
For OHV nonprofit organizations
- A letter from a federal state or local agency or other entity stating that they will accept the property.
Required Attachments
□ Project timeline
□ Budget spreadsheet
□ Statement of responsibility
□ Google Earth or ESRI image of land
□ Management plan for the property
□ Written confirmation of donations (if applicable)
How to Apply
Applicants can apply through our online application. Once the application is done, please simply submit your application. OHVR staff will be notified of your submission. You will receive notification of the application status within two weeks.
If you do not hear from staff, please contact Rachel Toker at
Click here to review the grant’s sample application – .pdf
Post Award Information
Payment and Reporting
A contract will be issued to all recipients of the OHV Land Acquisition Grant. Upon DOR’s receipt of the signed contract, it will be submitted for a contract number and will have an ending date of 28 months from the project start date.
Payment on the award is made in two installments. For the initial payment, 75% of the award amount will be paid no earlier than 30 days prior to the project start date as indicated in the application. A detailed expenditure timeline is required for the initial payment. The remaining 25% of the award will be issued when the applicant has successfully executed the project and completed the required final report. All applicants must complete the final report form in the application portal within 90 days of completion of the project. Applicants who have failed to complete and submit their final report within the 90 day period following the completion of their project will not be eligible to apply for this funding category until the report is submitted. In the event an application cannot complete its project as approved, the applicant is required to notify OHVR staff immediately and submit proposed changes or modifications in writing as soon as possible.
Progress Reports and Inspections
Within 12 months of the contract start date, applicants will be reminded to fill out a simple progress report. Emails about reporting deadlines will also include detailed instructions on accessing, filling out, and submitting each report. Progress reports will be required every 12 months during the 28-month contract period.
A site inspection by OHVR staff is required at the completion of this project. Please contact OHVR staff to set up a date for this visit.