Clean Vessel Act Grant
Clean Vessel Act Grant
Clean Vessel Act Grant
Eligible Projects
Eligible grant activities include education/information programs to educate/inform recreational boaters about the environmental pollution problems resulting from sewage discharges from vessels and to inform them of the location of pumpout and dump stations.
Eligible grant activities include the construction, renovation, operation and maintenance of pump-out and dump stations, including floating restrooms in the water, not connected to land or structures connected to the land, used solely by boaters.
Eligible grant activities include any activity necessary to hold and transport sewage to sewage treatment plants, such as holding tanks, piping, haulage costs, and any activity necessary to get sewage treatment plants to accept sewage, such as installing bleed-in facilities.
Application Process
There is not an official application form, rather, grant proposals will consist of a narrative, which identifies and describes the following:
- The need within the purposes of the Act (Coastal States with approved plans should indicate how the activities contained in the proposal implements the plan)
- Discrete objective(s) to be accomplished during a specified time period that address the need(s)
- Expected results or benefits from accomplishing the objectives, including the numbers of recreational vessels and people served
- The approach to be used in meeting the objectives, including specific procedures, schedules, key personnel, cooperators, grant location, innovative approaches, public/private partnerships, education, sensitive waters, public access, and estimated costs
- Amount and source of matching funds
- Fees for use of facility
Grant proposals must be delivered or mailed to:
Clean Vessel Act Grant Program Coordinator
1594 W North Temple, Suite 116
Salt Lake City, UT 84116
Proposals are due (or postmarked) by October 1st of each year.
Grant Award Process
Proposals are reviewed by the program coordinator for eligibility and completeness. Proposals are prioritized by the Boating Advisory Council if the number of proposals exceed state matching funds available. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service ranks all projects region wide and awards grants.
Program Coordinator: Ty Hunter
1594 W North Temple, Suite 116
Salt Lake City, UT 84116
[email protected]
(801) 440-5106