OHV Program GRAMA Response Now Available

We’re committed to transparency in the OHV Program! To address a recent inquiry regarding the Off-Highway Vehicle Program, we’ve made the full Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA) response to the @Utah OHV Advocates inquiry available to the public here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1wD3GDnrp5crszKQvBycNuXqk2YoEA-e7?usp=drive_link We welcome your questions and have provided further contact information below. Our goal is to provide accurate information …

Utah Division of Outdoor Recreation Celebrates Completion of 2024 Trail Crew Season with Over 500 Miles of Trail Work and 126 Projects Completed

The Utah Division of Outdoor Recreation recently celebrated the successful completion of the 2024 trail maintenance season. Statewide trail crews completed 126 projects and improved more than 500 miles of trails across Utah.  “This year’s achievements reflect the unwavering commitment of our entire trail crew to enhancing the accessibility, safety and sustainability of our state’s renowned outdoor spaces,” said Carly …

Utah Outdoor Recreation Rangers Target Boating and Off-Highway Vehicle DUIs in “Operation Dry Water” to Promote Safe Recreation During Fourth of July 

SALT LAKE CITY (June 28, 2024) — As the Fourth of July holiday approaches, recreational enthusiasts across Utah will gather on our state’s waterways and off-highway vehicle (OHV) trails. With the increased public presence on both land and water, there is an increase in the number of incidents and fatalities during this time. Throughout the Fourth of July week, the …

Utah Division of Outdoor Recreation Funds 130 Projects to Enhance Outdoor Recreation Opportunities Statewide

SALT LAKE CITY (May 16, 2024) — The Utah Division of Outdoor Recreation (DOR) announced funding for 130 projects aimed at enhancing outdoor recreation opportunities throughout the state.  The division will award more than $15 million in Utah Outdoor Recreation Grant (UORG) funds to 100 infrastructure projects and nearly $3.2 million in Off-Highway Vehicle (OHVR) grants to 30 projects. This …

Popularity of Electric Motorcycles Causing Confusion on Utah’s Roads and Trails

A recent surge in the popularity of electric motorcycles has left many residents and visitors confused. As these streamlined and silent electric two-wheelers become a more common sight, new owners are unaware of their classification and where they are permitted to be ridden. Some individuals have assumed that electric motorcycles can freely navigate the same pathways as bicycles and E-bikes, …

Utah’s New Off-Highway Vehicle Education Course Sees Early Success with Over 160,000 Completions

Over 160,000 people have completed the state’s new adult off-highway vehicle (OHV) education course since it was implemented January 1, 2023. The course, offered by the Utah Division of Outdoor Recreation (DOR), is the first of its kind in the nation and helps to preserve access and increase rider safety. “We appreciate the cooperation from the OHV community for supporting …