In-State OHV Registration
In-State OHV Registration
If you are a Utah resident, you can obtain your off-highway vehicle (OHV) registration from the Utah Division of Motor Vehicles. The cost is $35, or $22 for snowmobiles.
Where does the money go? Your OHV registration fees directly support the sport. The following table demonstrates how your $35 registration fee supports OHV programs:
Registration decals must be mounted in a visible location as follows:
- Motorcycles – on the left fork
- Snowmobiles – on the left side of the hood, pan or tunnel
- All other off OHVs – on the rear of the vehicle
PLEASE NOTE: Owners of OHVs used only for agricultural purposes may apply for an “implement of husbandry” sticker instead of registration decals. However, if the machine is used for recreation on public lands or roads, it must also be registered for that purpose.
Register Your In-State OHV With The DMV
OHVs owned by an OHV manufacturer and being operated exclusively for the purpose of an OHV manufacturer-sponsored event are allowed provided that the operator of the vehicle has in their possession a letter or certificate issued by the manufacturer which contains all of the following information:
- The name, address, and contact information of the OHV manufacturer
- A physical description of the vehicle, including the vehicle identification number or another number assigned by the manufacturer for identification purposes
- A brief description of the manufacturer-sponsored event, including the dates thereof
- The name of the authorized operator(s)
- An authorized signature of a manufacturer’s representative
(801) 538-5500
1594 W North Temple
PO Box 146001
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6001